Wulf Family
Wulfbert of Dene
(Wulfbertie) is the youngest member of the Wulf Family.
The oldest is grandfather Werwulf.
He looks after the chicken and hangs upside down from trees.
Sometimes he talks to statues. When he was younger Werwulf was known for
his practical jokes which were the best in the kingdom.
He still is, but they aren't quite so good any more.
Werwulf is
Wulfbeard's father.
Wulfbeard is Wulfbertie's father. Wulfbeard runs the
farm on Dene-side
where the Wulf family lives. As a boy Wulfbeard learnt the
Wulf Man Mantra from
Werwulf as all Wulf sons learn it from their fathers.
Wulfbertie learnt it from Wulfbeard.
Wulfbertie's mother is Aegglingoof..., Egg-in-food..., Alegrolinfroo...
mother is 'Froody.
She is related to king Baldrat
as the Family Tree
shows. Her sister, Egglinbig works as lady in waiting to
Princess Debrat, daughter of the king. Her
uncle Eddlinbert owns
an estate at May's Moor
but lives at the Abbey.
Wulfbertie was named after great-uncle Eddlinbert.
brothers are Eddlinwulf
and Wulfbat.
They are annoying and kick Wulfbertie out of bed in the morning to go
get them drinks of water from the pond.
The family has a
chicken (Bluebell), a pig (Marigold) and a cow (Buttercup).
They also have an ancient claim to the land on Dene-side where Lord Bandy's
sawmill is built.
live in a new house which was built by Wulfbeard when the ancient
Wulf-man homestead
fell into ruin.
Wulfbertie's Friends and the Inhabitants of Glewcaster.
The Brothers
The Monks of Glewcaster
Abbey are led by Abbot
Pacific who is known as
Abba wears a whip instead of a belt to remind himself of an
ancient wrong. He is wise and kind and an old friend of the
King (Baldrat).
Second in command is subPrior
Riggor who is very strict.
Riggor is often criticised by Brother
Fretful who has 'Spectorations'
and bought some Relics of
St Petronella
for the Abbey.
The rest of the Monks are
Brothers who follow the
Rule of St Benedict.
Among them are Brother Physik who is a Medicus,
Yestyn the Chamberlain from Wales and blind Brother
Porter who minds the Abbey Gate. Brother Xerxes is
the Magister who teaches Wulfbertie and some of
the boys in the town.
A few of the older Monks and Wulfbertie's great Uncle
Eddlinbert live together in a house by the
Infirmary. Wulfbertie calls them the
In addition to the Brothers, there is a Novice
called Lavio.
He has speckled green eyes and cannot remember anything about his
childhood. He is working on controlling his pride.
Abba employs a great architect
and builder called
Franc from Normanland to undertake
the repairs and building needed for the
Shergar and Brutus are the Abbey
horses. They live in the stables.
The Royal
Baldrat is king of
Mercia. In
fact he is not really a king. He is a SubRegulus
means he is a junior king to King Alfred
of Wessex.
daughter is called Debrat.
She is the Mistress of Mercia and a warrior princess who commands her
father's army. But she is a bit moody.
will not inherit the throne because she has a brother called
Anthrat. Anthrat is
a bit of a wimp. He has been sent to live with King Alfred
as a hostage to make sure his father behaves.
people think that
the kingdom would be better off being ruled by Debrat when Baldrat dies.
The king's chief bodyguard
is called Kentig
and is always available to protect the king. Kentig is a Lord and distant relative of the King.
is Debrat's lady in waiting. She is also Wulfbertie's
is the King's cousin.
Royal family tree and coats of arms are in the family tree.
Ralf, Trug,
Gwynef and
is a few years younger than Wulfbertie. No-one knows how many years
because no-one remembers when Ralf was born. After his
died he was left on his own. He survived by stealing scraps to
from the market or being 'sourceful
to come up with ways to earn a Thrymsa.
has a dog called Gleva.
Gleva is very energetic and often gets into jams. When she
gets excited she can cause a lot of mess.
After the floods Ralf went to live with the Widow
Trug is frightening looking with a hooked nose and straggly hair which
hides her remarkable speckled eyes. She only speaks in the olden tymes Welsh language and sometimes
Ralf has to explain what she wants. Trug knows lots about herbs and
potions and curing people who are ill or injured.
Gwynef is the
youngetht member of Fllewellyn's
family. Fllewellyn is a Welsh farmer
whoth farm is near Glewcaster. Athter her mother died
Gwynef livth with her father and sisthter, Luthy-Ellen, the
Floozy. They thell Parsnips,
turnips, cabbages and eggth in the market. Gwynef hath a

of people live in Glewcaster because the town
guard - including its legendary hero, Strong Arms -
(normally) keep it safe from the attacks of the Vikings and
raiders. Penwahl
is the Sheriff.
He is in charge of the town guard. His son is called
Penryn and is slightly older than Wulfbertie.
town is run by the Alderman,
and the town clerk, Grendal.
Cornelius's son Marcus
and Grendal's son Beogren
are also slightly older than Wulfbertie. Marcus is very proud
of his Roman four fathers.
Beogren is very talented at writing stories and drawing
family trees.
town has its own monk,
who lives amongst the people and ministers to their relgious needs.
There are also tradesmen including Master Taylor,
Lucas the Woodturner
and his wife Alice
the Clogmaker.
Mistress Liefa
is a washerwoman working near the South Gate.
the stables there is an Ostler
called Tom
, who is a
suspicious character.
Lord Bandy
and his Associates
Torlo Bandy is a cousin of
the king. He is exceedingly rich and
powerful and owns one of the finest estates in Mercia at Cranham.
rides an immense black stallion called Black Bee and wears
a coat of black velvet and breeches
of fine doe skin. His boots come up to his thigh and he rides with a
twinkle, his sword hilt a-twinkle under the jewelled sky.
his wife Siegal
died, Lord Bandy was left with no family other
than her brother Siegur.
Siegur is from North Umbria, is Bandy's lieutenant
and leader of his private band of soldiers.
Bandy owns the sawmill
(amongst other things) and controls the land which the Wulf
family claim as their birth-right.
king trusts Lord Bandy to keep the
country side safe and some say that he is responsible for reparing the
dykes and keeping the
town waterways clear.
Bandy is the Wulf family's ancient enemy.